FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q.  I need to purchase a tennis net but there are many options?  What should I look for?

A.  You're right...there are many options for tennis nets.  As far as the different manufacturers of tennis nets, I suggest purchasing a net from a manufacturer that specializes in tennis nets and other tennis supplies and equipment, and has a proven track record.  For instance, Edward's has been manufactering tennis nets for over 100 years and their tennis products are used in Grand Slam tournaments throughout the world.  To me, that is a proven track.  As far as the specifications of a tennis net, there are a couple of things to compare;  the thickness of the net body or the netting itself (2.0mm - 3.5 mm), the stitching of the headband and the material of the headband.  These items are what differentiate the tennis nets.  For a detailed description of tennis nets and a buying guide for purchasing a tennis net, please read our tennis net buying guide, https://tennissuppliesandequipment.com/tennis-court-net-buying-guide/.


Q.  What is the standard lenght of a tennis net?

A.  Standard net posts are spaced 42' apart.  A standard 42' tennis net actually measures 41'6".


Q.  What does it mean when it says a tennis net is tapered?

A.  The height of the tennis net at the net posts is 42" but "tapers" down to 36" in the center.  A manufacturer can "taper" the body of the tennis net so that as the height of the tennis net decreases from the net post to the center of the tennis net, so does the material.  This "tapering" of the tennis net reduces the amount of rubbing that occurs at the bottom of the net against the tennis court, therefore prolonging the life of the tennis net and your investment.  You will notice that in lower quality nets, the bottom tape seems to fail first due to the constant rubbing against the tennis court.  Side Note:  all Edwards tennis net on our site are tapered. 


Q.  How do you install a tennis net?

A.  It is relatively easy.  Follow our guide for full instructions, https://tennissuppliesandequipment.com/how-to-install-a-tennis-net/.


Q.  Should I purchase round net posts or square net posts?

A.  First, make sure you have the option to!  If you are replacing existing net posts, you should purchase the same style net posts as you already have so that you don't need to dig out and set new net posts footers.  As far as which style is better, it is all a matter of opinion.  Round net posts are more popular, and cost slightly less.  However, some people feel that square net posts look better and have more elagance to them.  As far a functionality, the both function the same.


Q.  What color net posts are more popular?

A.  Years ago, it seemed that everything was green; green net posts, green fence, green tidi-cooler stand, green tidi courts, green tennis court benches.  Green is certainly the more tradition color in tennis.  But over time, black has gained popularity with tennis clubs and country clubs.  There is not right or wrong answer, it is all your preference.  One thing to consider would be the color of the tennis court fence.  Generally most people like to coordinate the color of the net posts and fence, but it is not absolutely necessary.


Q.  How do you install net post footers?

A.  We've created a step by step guide on how to construct tennis net post footers.  Here it is:  https://tennissuppliesandequipment.com/how-to-install-a-tennis-net-post/


Q.  I'm digging out and setting net post footers.  Should I use a net post sleeve for the new net post footers?

A.  Absolutely!  You will thank yourself many times over!  For starters, when the time comes for you to replace your net posts, it is a simple a purchasing new net posts and sliding them into the net post sleeve.  If you don't install sleeves, when the time come for new net posts, you would have to dig out the entire footer or rig a new set in there!  But beyond that, if you reside in an area in which you aren't able to play tennis year round, you can remove the net posts and store them for the winter.  This will prolong the life of the net posts. 


Q.  My tennis net headband is in bad shape.  Can I replace just the headband?

A.  Yes you can.  Here is the tennis net replacement headband, https://tennissuppliesandequipment.com/tennis-court-nets/tennis-net-replacement-headband/ and here are instructions on how to do it:  https://tennissuppliesandequipment.com/how-to-replace-a-tennis-net-headband/.


Q.  How big of a hole do I need to dig to set a tennis net center strap anchor?

A.  The tennis net center strap anchor hole should measure 12" in diameter and a minimum of 12" - 15" in depth.  In areas that experience the "freeze and thaw" cycle, the depth should be 24".  The center anchor should be set in concrete.  A center anchor can be purchased here.


Q.  How do I measure for windscreens?

A.  We have you covered.  Follow our guide:  https://tennissuppliesandequipment.com/how-to-measure-for-tennis-court-windscreens/


Q.  What product should I use to install tennis court windscreens?

A.  Plastic ties are the best option.  In fact, plastic ties are what tennis court windscreen manufactures recommend.  The reason plastic ties are recommended is that high winds can damage both the windscreens and the fence.  If high winds are experienced, the plastic ties will break thereby preventing any structural damage.  Rope is no longer recommended.  In fact, rope could be detrimental.  If high winds are experienced, the rope will not break which will allow the windscreens to act as a sail and that force could potentially bring down the entire fence.


Q.  Our new tennis court is almost ready.  What tennis supplies and accessories do I need?

A.  Lets start off with the obvious.  You can purchase a tennis net here and the net posts here.  If you're unsure which tennis net to purchase, check out our tennis net buying guide here.  That takes care of the basics.  As far as tennis court accessories, we suggest purchasing a tidi-court.  A tidi-court attaches to a net post and provides an area in which the players can place car keys, cell phones, ipods, loose change and even a drink.  The tidi court also has a trash can so it helps keep the tennis court area clean.  If you plan on having group tennis matches, a once-a-week tennis get together or even a league, we suggest purchasing a tidi court color stand set.  Its a must to keep both you and your guest hydrated even if your trying to beat them for bragging rights!  Hopefully your tennis court is perfectly level but in case the tennis court isn't, a master sponge roller is a must.  Its the best way to remove the small puddles of water.  A tennis scorekeeper or score tube is perfect for matches in which you want to keep score.  A ball basket or teaching cart is great for teaching or just picking up balls and keeping them in one place.  All of these items can be found on our tennis court accessories page, located here.

Lastly, we have a great selection of tennis court benches.  Your setting may dictate the type and size of bench you need which is why we offer so many and different styles of tennis court benches.  Browse around our benches page and please contact us with any questions.

Q.  What is the difference between platform tennis and paddle tennis?

A.  The main differences platform tennis and paddle tennis is the playing area and the ball.  Platform tennis is played on a wood platform and the court is surrounded by a taut fence that allows for the ball to be played off the fence.  The playing area of the court is 44' long x 22' wide and it is divided in half be a net that is set at 34" at the center.  Paddle tennis is played on the same surfaces as tennis (even at the beach).  The playing area is 50' long x 20' wide and it is divided in half by a net set at a height of 31" .

In platform tennis, the ball is a spongy ball that can be served overhand.  The paddle is 18" and may have up to 87 holes to improve its aerodynamics.  In paddleball, the ball is a standard tennis ball that is depressurized.  The paddle is also 18" and made of solid wood or a composite.  The paddle does not have strings.  Serves must be underhand.